Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Sam's ankles over-pronate. It's was too hard to keep him still to get a picture, but it looks something like this....

...basically, they curve in dramatically and it can make walking, running and balancing very difficult. It also stretches out the tendons. We noticed this when he starting standing.

Here are the little braces that Sam has to wear now. He wore them for 2 hours the first day and as long as his feet don't show any irritation he can increase one hour a day until he is wearing them all day (except for sleeping, of course).

Here they are in his shoes. These will work for 2 shoe sizes and then we'll have to get new ones.

He doesn't mind them too much. I think as long as we increase the time slowly he'll get used to them. I think the hard part is having to wear socks and shoes in the house and his feet get all sweaty.

As soon as he put them on we noticed that he walks with his legs closer together, which is a good thing. He was spreading them apart for balance.

Hopefully, in 6 months to a year he won't have to wear them anymore.

Monday, August 30, 2010

TIME CARD - Auguest 22-28

I am keeping track of how many hours I work during this school year. My contract only pays me to work 183 days a year, from 7:30-2:30 (that is 1189.5 hours). We are not told we have to work extra hours, but there is no way I could plan, correct papers, make copies, make phone calls, etc., just working to contract. Usually I arrive there at 6:15 a.m. and leave around 3:30 p.m. Then when Samuel is in bed for the night, I do at least another couple hours of work. I also take stuff home on the weekends.

This week I worked 56 hours.

Total to date: 354.25 hours.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


You may remember I posted this a few months back, about our adoption agency closing.

We had such a wonderful experience that it makes me very sad that they have been pushed out of business. They had a HUGE yard sale to sell off all their office furniture and supplies and are now out of their building too. They are now just working out of their homes and have a PO box. Here is a link to their blog, if your interested.

Yesterday, I got this e-mail from them. With this happening, it's no wonder that some people are against adoption.
Hi everyone,

I have received word that many of you are confused about what a facilitator is, so here is the following:

In a nutshell here is a facilitator: they are not able to practice in our State, but advertise (stating on their websites that they spend 1 to 2 million a year on advertising alone) heavily here--then use local social workers and agencies to do the "legal" stuff (home studies, birth parent counseling, post-placement: basically the vast requirements we must follow regulated by CYFD, that they are not licensed to do). They "look" like a local agency, and if you type in New Mexico Adoptions, you get them. Most adoptive parents have no idea that after sending these guys a ton of money, they still have to work with local agencies for the required services. All they do is match birth parents with adoptive parents. They charge Adoptive Parents outrageous fees for a Caucasian child versus lower fees for an African American. To us that is human trafficking--any time a value of monetary worth is placed on one human over another it is wrong on every level. They have caused infant adoptions to be almost non-existent in NM--- except through them. The normal NM family could never afford their rates of $35,000 to $50,000-- not including the necessary local services mentioned above.

In addition, Birth Parents are often left to fend for themselves--without the emotional support so necessary when making a difficult and sacrificial plan to choose adoption for their baby. Adoptive parents are also left to fend for themselves. One adoptive couple I worked with spent 4 days in North Carolina with a birth mom and her family without ANY mediation or support from a professional. It was distressing and uncomfortable for them and the birth mom changed her mind. They were alone to handle all of it. Prior to that this same couple was chosen by another birth mother. The facilitator gave their phone number to her and she called them constantly--she was mentally unstable and needy (to put it mildly). The adoptive mom felt like she was responsible for this girls life, heart and well-being. Then the girls grandmother began calling them with threats because she didn't agree with the adoption plan.

Neither of these situations would occur with any local and ethical agency, as we intercede between birth parents and adoptive parents, working to protect and care for each side. Those stories are just the tip of the iceberg about how negligent and unethical the facilitators practice is. They are nothing more than a money making greed induced business--making thousands for a match.

I've attached a letter that Sharon sent out to all the adoption professionals, because many of them were working with facilitators without realizing or acknowledging how outrageously unethical they are. Also -- below is a "blurb" about the difference between a facilitator and a legitimate agency:

A facilitator is not licensed or authorized by the U.S. or foreign government, which means there are no legal standards they must meet and no oversight of their activities. If there are problems, there’s no licensing authority to complain to. Facilitators work on a per-case basis and receive a commission per child. Hence they have an incentive to place as many children as possible. This creates a conflict of interest between protecting the rights of children and birth parents on one hand and maximizing profits on the other.

A reputable adoption agency, by contrast, is fully authorized and accountable for its actions:

Reputable agencies are licensed and accredited, both in the United States and in the countries placing children for adoption.

Reputable agencies abide by ethical standards. They take no shortcuts, pay no bribes, work directly with the responsible authorities and document every step of the adoption process.

Reputable agencies serve children first and parents second.

Reputable agencies pay their domestic and foreign staff a fixed salary, no matter how many children they place. They provide support to institutions and agencies in the child's birth country to serve children who cannot be adopted.

Reputable agencies work before, during and after the adoption to evaluate the parents' readiness to adopt, help family members adjust to each other, and track the child's progress after the adoption.

Reputable agencies provide training and education to prepare families for the challenges of adoption.

The reason they have put NM infant adoptions to a near stand-still (unless working with them) is primarily because they have the money to come up first on Google searches--- young people do not use the phone book anymore......

They have been outlawed in Colorado, NY and NJ.

Hope this clears up some of the confusion!!



My mother has always had a prayer list and I've now started one of my own. So each Sunday I will publish the prayer requests of anyone who e-mails me. Please keep us updated as God answers your prayers too.

Who we are praying for this week...

* My mother to be healthy and happy.
* Ray's healing from cancer.
* Shannon's cancer is worse then was originally thought.
* All those children still waiting to find a Forever Family
* Penny's, entire family needs prayers for healing their hearts and spirits.
* Deborahrose's family and friends need healing from their grief.
* K-the birthmother of our baby
* Bri's hubby's job situation.
* Dawn - husband to hear God and find his way to Him
* Christy prayers and praise
* orphaned and alone
* peace in the Middle East
* the Gulf Coast
* our economy
* honesty in our leaders
* all service men and women that they may come home soon

E-mail me if you have someone for me to add to the weekly prayer request. God Bless.


Friday, August 27, 2010


As my family and friends will attest to....I AM NOT A COOK! I cook a few things well, chicken, spaghetti, lasagna, desserts, breakfast, salads and a few others, but my repertoire is not very advanced.

My mother is an AWESOME cook. I even have a lot of her recipes. They feed 10-12 people at a time. My mother was also raised by an awesome cook and because she was spoiled by her mother, when she got married she only knew how to make fudge. Out of necessity...my father needing to eat...and starting to produce mass quantities of children....she learned fast. I was raised with the understanding that you eat what is on your plate or you go hungry. I also learned to love left-overs.

THROWING MY HUSBAND UNDER THE BUS...a little...My husband is a picky eater and does not eat left overs. When we first got married (seven years ago), I would prepare a meal and he would come out with a comment like, "I'm not in the mood for that tonight." So, since I didn't want to waste food I started planning menus WITH him and but even after preparing what HE wanted for, say Tuesday night, he'd still say, "I'm not in the mood for that tonight." Then I started telling him to TELL ME what he wanted me to make and I'd do it. This worked a little better, but sometimes I didn't have the food on hand. Anyway...cooking has become very frustrating for me because I haven't learned to read his mind yet. I think that ability comes during year ten.

Now, he has never been mean or rude about any of this. In fact, when I would try something new and it came out HORRIBLE, he would still try it and smile.

Over the past, 5 years we have been eating more and more frozen meals, so he can just pop in what he wants when he gets home, since he works late and doesn't like leftovers.

I've decided to try something new.....I come from a family where Daddy and the kids ate whatever my mother decided to prepare and we darn well liked it! Even to this day, I have noticed, that my brothers eat whatever is prepared for them, and they darn well like it!

Anyway....now that I have my own son and he is finally eating human food, I've decided that I am going to prepare WHATEVER I WANT and they will both have to learn to DARN WELL LIKE IT!

I am hoping my efforts will produce something between this.....



I don't have the skills for anything extravagant. I also don't have a lot of time. And if it were just me, I would toss together anything, as I only eat to live, not live to eat. It's not something that excites me. I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!


Thursday, August 26, 2010


Here is another post in the series I've untitled DEAR AUNT HARRIET. The idea for this came from this post. This lady will inspire you! Grab a cup of coffee and let's have a chat...

By the time you read my letter, you will have already been served with the restraining order at work, my lawyer will be delivering the picture evidence to the police and I will be long gone. For the past year I have been playing your sweet, doting, subservient wife and planning my escape at the same time.

I allowed this to go on for too long and I am done being a victim. I don't want the house, the car, the dog, the boat, the camper or any part of your retirement. You can have all the furniture, appliances, pictures and trinkets. I thank God every day that we never had any children. I've found an apartment, a job and a new cell phone and only my lawyer knows the number. I am taking back my life. I am starting over.

Never again will you hit, spit, chock, slap or kick me. Never again will you lock me in the closet. Never again will I make excuses for bruises or black eyes. Never again will you cheat on me. Never again will you tell me that I can't go where I want or see who I want. Never again will you yell at me. Never again will you degrade me. Never again! Never again! Never again! Never again!

Why did I allow this? Why did I EVER put up with your crap? Why did I hold my tongue? Why did I want to die? Why do I now want to live? Why did I think you were worth it? Why did I think I wasn't? Why did I lie for you? Why did I bail you out of jail? Why did I love you? Why did you not love me?

I am taking back my life. I am starting over! I am going to think of only me! What do I believe? What are my values? What are my goals? What do I want to be? What do I want to do with my life? How do I want to spend my time? What do I want to learn about? Where do I want to live? Who deserves to be in my life? Who deserves to be loved by me?

I have wasted too many years on you and I will not waste one more day. I am tired. I am scared. I am nervous. I am anxious. I am excited. As the saying goes, there's nowhere to go but up from here. I am taking back my life!

~Your Loving Wife No More

If you want to comment, please follow blogging protocols. I reserve the right to reject those comments that are rude or hurtful.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


There were only 15 people left this week from the past seasons of THE BACHELOR and THE BACHELORETTE, still living in a house together, sharing one bedroom, competing for $250,000....and a little love thrown in there too. See the full episode here.

The competition this week was a kissing contest...which was actually VERY GROSS!

Gia started to participate and then broke down crying....you have a boyfriend...you shouldn't even be here! I guess others agree too because the guys all voted her off this week. They didn't trust her any more.

None of the girls wanted to kiss Jonathan, but they had to, so they made it as quick as possible, except for Natalie, of course, she went to town on him, just like every other guy. He was low man on the totem pole and was voted off by the girls. I really think he needs to stick with being a forecaster and take some dating classes or something. He really needs help or this guy will forever be single.

.....Wes is a self proclaimed germ-a-phobe! He hated the entire thing!

Natalie kissed like she was trying to suck out their lungs! She is so gross. She even went topless to get David's attention...unfortunately it worked!

This chick, Elizabeth, is NUTS! She is a !@#$% too! I can't wait for her to be gone.

All the girls voted David as the best kisser. I really like this guy, BUT he likes Natalie...so he loses a lot of points there. He even spent the night in the FANTASY SUITE with her and gave her a rose. So they are both safe for another week.

Peyton was voted the best kisser by the guys. She is very sweet. I really like her. She spent the night in the FANTASY SUITE with Jesse and gave him a rose, so they are both safe too.

Next week they have to answer survey questions and it gets VERY PERSONAL and HURTFUL! Should make for some interesting drama!


YESTERDAY....Today, unbeknownst to me, Kitty-Cat decides she doesn't want to change homerooms, so she refuses and has another melt down. A number of people "try" to talk with her (2 counselors and 3 teachers), but she still refuses.

By lunch time, she has had two more melt downs. I walk into the lounge to eat and I find out that another teacher has said that "I" am the one that had the melt down on Friday and I am not being understanding of Kitty-Cat. She goes on to say that we all need to be calm and do what is best for Kitty-Cat.

When have we NOT been calm, you obviously have no idea what happened on Friday and we are trying to do what is best for Kitty-Cat???!!!! The POWERS THAT BE were the ones that made Kitty-Cat's schedule change so we're not even sure why you are getting involved. I don't like how you are speaking to me. Well, neither do I!!!!! This conversation was VERY HEATED! I'm giving you the rated "G" version. Anyway...

I was sure I was going to be called into the office because of the "tone" and "volume" of my voice, but it hasn't happened yet. I'm sure tomorrow will bring more drama because Kitty-Cat still doesn't have her schedule worked out and the 5th grade team has just about had it with KITTY-CAT running the show. Some are even starting to feel like she fakes it half the time because she knows she has the others wrapped around her little finger.



So, remember this UPDATE I gave you on Friday about Kitty-Cat? Well, after Friday I didn't think anymore of it. So yesterday I find out that Mommy-Cat came in to talk to the principal and without even talking to me to get my side of the story, they decide to move Kitty-Cat to a different homeroom. Mommy-Cat thought I was too insensitive! Give me a break...I asked her to hold a door! I did ask how this was going to change anything since I will still see her in social studies, but just at a different time? The answer..."Mommy-Cat just wanted her out of your homeroom." So, it's official...the behavior will not change because if crying gets Kitty-Cat what she wants, why would she change!?!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Time Card - Auguest 15-21

I am keeping track of how many hours I work during this school year. My contract only pays me to work 183 days a year, from 7:30-2:30 (that is 1189.5 hours). We are not told we have to work extra hours, but there is no way I could plan, correct papers, make copies, make phone calls, etc., just working to contract. Usually I arrive there at 6:15 a.m. and leave around 3:30 p.m. Then when Samuel is in bed for the night, I do at least another couple hours of work. I also take stuff home on the weekends.

This week I worked 58 1/2 hours.

Total to date: 298.25 hours.

Sunday, August 22, 2010



My mother has always had a prayer list and I've now started one of my own. So each Sunday I will publish the prayer requests of anyone who e-mails me. Please keep us updated as God answers your prayers too.

Who we are praying for this week...

* My mother to be healthy and happy.
* Ray's healing from cancer.
* Shannon's cancer is worse then was originally thought.
* All those children still waiting to find a Forever Family
* Penny's, entire family needs prayers for healing their hearts and spirits.
* Deborahrose's family and friends need healing from their grief.
* K-the birthmother of our baby
* Bri's hubby's job situation.
* Dawn - husband to hear God and find his way to Him
* Christy prayers and praise
* orphaned and alone
* peace in the Middle East
* the Gulf Coast
* our economy
* honesty in our leaders
* all service men and women that they may come home soon

E-mail me if you have someone for me to add to the weekly prayer request. God Bless.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010


If you read my last post you know who KITTY-CAT is. So, today she had one of her typical melt downs.

We were coming back from P.E. (8:30) and I asked, as I always do, the first two people in line to hold the doors. Well, KITTY-CAT, apparently, didn't want to because she immediately starting crying, sat down on the picnic table and refused to get up. Let me remind you that these are 5th graders and will be going on to mid-school next year. I have 23 other children to think about, so, we continued walking back to class. I then called the office and asked someone to go "deal" with her. I didn't see her again until 11:00.

On the good news side....as of Monday, WHAT-BOY will be moving to a different home room. I am hoping this relaxes the dynamics a little.


This has been a crazy, confusing, exhausting, emotionally draining....year so far. We are piloting a new program in 5th grade. There are six of us and we each teach reading and one other subject.

I teach Social Studies, M teaches Science, T teaches Language Arts, and the other three, B, S and R, all teach math. We are hoping it will help the kids get ready for middle school. Most of the kids are thriving and really enjoying it. They feel so grown-up.

Overall, I am really enjoying it too, but...sometimes, one troublesome child can feel like 10! And this year I have three (x 10=30), in my homeroom, that are making me miserable!!!! (NOTE: If my days are this crazy when I'm present, can you imagine what it will be like when I have to have a sub!?!?!?!?)

After 4 weeks we have worked out a lot of the kinks. I like that we (the teachers) all get along, plan well together, support each other and only have to plan for 2 subjects. The hard part is that over the course of the week, I see all 140 students and this is a very immature group.

In 21 years of teaching, this is the first time that (after the kids had gone home for the day) I sat down at my desk and cried!

Of the 24 in my homeroom, I will introduce you to the 3 that are DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!

1. KITTY-CAT...has major issues....how do I count the ways...we are doing her a major disservice because she needs a self contained behavioral disorder classroom, but mom is in denial and anytime you mention the problems you are seeing, mom cries! KITTY-CAT is gifted, is an exceptionally high reader and a great artist, but she has the maturity level of a 5 year old. On top of that she is starting to act out in dangerous ways (stabbing kids with pencils, writing threatening notes etc..etc...), and will never admit she did anything wrong, even if you see her do it. She growls at kids she is mad at, stomps her feet, cries at the drop of a hat, has no writing skills (doesn't put spaces between letters or words), and can only handle one SIMPLE direction at a time. Her IEP allows her to have her work reduced by 60%, and to do the rest on a typewriter. She is confused a lot of the time and doesn't have friends. She needs someone to teach her one-on-one and instead she's in a class of 24. She will drown in middle school!

2. WHAT-BOY...has to be watched like a hawk. I've told him three days in a row, to stay in line as we walk to lunch and all three days, as soon as my back is turned, he's taken off (running) down a different hallway, and when you ask him what he's doing, he says, "What?"....like he has no clue why I should be upset with him. BELIEVE ME, AFTER TODAY, THAT BOY IS MY NEW BEST FRIEND, WHEN WE WALK TO LUNCH! Another time he clunked heads together of the two boys walking in front of him.....his response..."What?" When asked why he's pushing others, "What? They pushed me first." It's NEVER his fault!

Daily he will fall out of his chair, because the other kids laugh and he gets attention. I finally told the kids that he is falling out of his chair on purpose and was acting like a first grader to make them pay attention to him. If they stopped laughing and giving him attention for it, maybe he would stop. Later on in the day he fell out of his chair again and the kids didn't react (Thank God!), but I could see him looking around. When he realized he wasn't getting attention or laughs, his antics then ended. Hopefully, if I keep reminding the other kids not to pay attention to him, then he will stop this at least.

He will also poke people, tear things off the wall, push people and just generally annoy others, because he knows he can get a rise out of them. He also LOVES to taunt KITTY-CAT, which just makes her lose it even more! We are going through the referral process with him now, but it will be at least January before anything is finalized on him.

My other frustration is when I call home to talk to mom....Right away she tells me she is a single mother and she HAS NO TIME FOR A CONFERENCE.

OPENING A GIANT CAN OF NEGATIVE COMMENTS.....I know A LOT of single mothers that are amazing women and are working miracles all by themselves. I am not talking to you single mom's who are doing a great job, but I am talking to you single mom's who are using this as an excuse.....

I am sorry....but it is neither my fault, nor your child's that you are a single mom. I understand that you need to work overtime to pay your bills, but I can't do this on my own. While you have 1 or more children I have 24. I can't make ALL 24 do their homework. I need your help!!!! AND I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING..."I asked him if he had homework and he said, no. I told him I knew this wasn't true. We've played this game the last few years. I don't know why he keeps it up." Here's your answer.....BECAUSE YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT AND YOU LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT! Here's another tip...when given the choice of getting homework done OR denying the very existence of the homework....the child will 99.9 % of the time....choose the latter.

I think we will be transferring him to a different homeroom....SOON! At least it should change the dynamics a little.

3. Finally, there is BABY-BOY.....Yes, he has an IEP. We have cut his assignments and follow all of the accommodations that we are suppose to! My problem is that he is so BABIED that he isn't being held accountable for his bad behavior...which is escalating, and the IEP has become a crutch and an excuse..."But you know he has an IEP, right?"

Here are SOME of the behaviors I deal with on a daily basis:

* kicking open the stall door in the boys room, while another boy was using it
* running off down the hall, repeatedly, with WHAT-BOY
* refusing to even pick up his pencil or open a book
* taunting KITTY-CAT, just to get a rise out of her
* wandering around the room, when asked repeatedly to take his seat
* stealing pencils
* destroying others work
* leaving the room without permission
* hiding in the bathrooms and not returning to class

OPENING ANOTHER GIANT CAN OF NEGATIVE COMMENTS: I LOVE BEING A TEACHER! I REALLY DO, but....I think that making everything "fair" for these "special" children has made it EXTREMELY unfair for the rest of the children. When am I suppose to teach, if AT LEAST half of my day is spent dealing with problems that arise because of these "special" children.

I remember hearing once....if you can't take what's happening to you at your job....RETHINK, RELOCATE OR RETIRE! This is the VERY FIRST year that I am considering the last two options!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Year after year the same people skate by and it drives me nuts!

This list includes:

* Showing up after the bell...late by 10 minutes EVERY day.
* "I never got that memo."
* "I didn't know I had to bring my permission slips on the field trip with me?"
* Not showing up for duty.
* Not walking their kids to the bus.
* Showing a movie EVERY day.
* Not turning in reports, graphs or information needed by the grade level.
* Allowing their own (bio) children to NOT follow the rules that the rest of the kids are expected to.
* Not attending the workshops at the beginning of the year because they are teaching summer school still...DOUBLE DIPPING!
* Not attending meetings and then expecting others to play "catch up" for them.
* Expecting others to just deal with their incompetence.
* Others too...but if I mention them...I might get fired!