Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I blog hop a lot and get "ideas" of things to write about from others sites. I do not always site where I get the "ideas." I am sorry if this is not proper etiquette. I will be sure to site where I get "ideas" in the future.

My suggestion is, if you do not like my blog or I offend you on a daily basis...do not come by.

I do this for fun, not to make money. I am not intentionally trying to take someone's work and call it my own.

ps...For those that don't want me to come to their blogs anymore...after this I will not!


Mama Smurf said...

I wouldn't get too upset. I think there are wierdos out there who like to try to stir up sh-t. Don't take it personally and don't give them the satisfaction of your ire. Just ignore it and keep doin what you're doin.

Happy said...

Hmm, are you getting mean commenter? Try to ingnore them. It's what comment moderation is for.