Saturday, August 8, 2015

Pinterest Inspired Outfits

I've been having a lot of fun with Pinterest lately. I've noticed other people getting fresh ideas and using their clothes in new ways. So I decided to give it a try. After I took these pictures I noticed I need to get better with the lighting.

Here is my first try....Pinterest idea.....
My copied idea.....My boots are a little darker and I need to find a lighter pair of fitted jeans, but I like it.
Here is #2 from Pinterest.
Here is my copy....Again the lighting is very poor, but I do have a black top on and I really like it together.
Here is Pinterest idea #3.
Here is my take on it. I don't have a pink blouse, but I like my lacy one better. 
Another Pinterest favorite. I would never wear heals that high, but I love the outfit.
Here is what I found in my closet. The blouse has a slouchy neckline and it's navy blue, as are the shoes. 
Finally, Pinterest idea #4. Again the heals are way too high, but I love leopard print.
My take on it. I need to tuck int he shirt and wear a belt, but otherwise, it's cute.

I love clothes, but I'm not very good at combining the things I have. I think I'll keep doing this. It was fun!

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