Monday, July 19, 2010


Last year I found A LIFE IN THE YEAR OF A TEACHER. This person had kept track of how many hours they worked during the school year. My contract may only pay me to teach 183 days a year, 6 1/2 hours a day (that is 1189.5 hours), but most elementary school teachers I know come in to work during the summer to prepare their rooms, or they spend time at home planning way above and beyond what they are paid for. How many jobs do you know where you take stuff home? Not many! We are not told we have to work extra hours, but there is no way I could plan, correct papers, make copies, make phone calls, etc., just working to contract. Technically, I have to be at the school from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Usually I arrive there at 6:15 a.m. and leave around 3:30 p.m. Then when Samuel is in bed for the night, I do at least another couple hours of work. I also take stuff home on the weekends.

So, for this year I am going to keep track of my hours each week. My last day of school for 2009-2010 was June 24th. I did do some prep work in May and June to get ready for the upcoming school year, but I won't count that. So, I am saying the 2010-2011 school year started on June 25.

From June 25 to July 10 I have already worked 18 and 1/2 hours and
from July 11 to July 17 I worked 21 hours.

Total to date: 31 and 1/2 hours.


Connie said...

Interesting! I wonder if it will be more or less time than you perceive it is right now? And what will you do with this info?

KathleenSBass said...

As a former teacher, I am interested to see your final number of hours worked. I know I was like you, and always in an hour+ early, and leaving an hour later than contracted. And while I rarely brought home a TON of papers to correct, I was teaching 2nd we werent talkin' essay papers or major reports. Good luck keeping track and I hope to see the final results on your blog :)

Jacksmom said...

That is interesting. I always wondered how that worked because most of the teachers I know (my cousin, aunt, etc) don't get paid in the summer, so it doesn't seem fair to me that they work, prepare lesson plans, fix up their rooms, and aren't paid for the time they put into it. Education is so important. I refuse to work on my continuing education or annual training from home, I only do it at work because I have the time and ability to do so at work, and I figure I'll do it when I'm getting paid, not when I'm off. I bring home my work emotionally though where I don't do it physically. Not a good thing either. Props to you!