For the last week Samuel's been sleeping through the night, needing only a pacifier return or a little pat on the back to continue sleeping, but for the past 3 nights he has woken himself up because he is totally wet through his diaper and clothes. I have made sure he has a fresh diaper on before the last bottle and upped the size of the diaper too. I've also tried both Huggies and Pampers. Now what?
I'm thinking maybe an outside cover like they use with cloth diapers!?! Any other ideas?
I've heard that you can get inserts that might help. We had the same problem for awhile but I never looked for them.
My suggestion was going to be moving up a size in diapers. That is usually the cause of leaks, if they are too small. You've done that...
Another thing I found with a boy, when we put the diaper on, we made sure his little wee-wee was pointing down and not up. We tucked it in there! This made a difference with our son. You may already do that as well??
If he is not rolling around or moving much in his sleep yet, you can get one of those large water-proof pads and put under his bottom area. At least with that, all you have to change is him and the pad, not all the bedding too.
As far as brand, I used Luvs and Pampers. It's been so long ago it's hard to remember but, we did have periods of this too. Maybe their little bladders have to catch up with their growth rate...that would be a ? for your pedi.
Maybe try a smaller bottle for night-time?
We had this problem some too...and it didn't seem to matter what kind of diaper we tried. It might though, that you have some bad diapers. I've had that in a box sometimes there are a few that leak for no apparent reason.
Also, make sure you take Becky's suggestion...and I would use a water-proof pad under him, that makes changing MUCH easier at night.
This too shall pass! Glad he's sleeping better!!!
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I have been in the same situation with my son- it is a boy thing! I never had this issue with my daughter. Some weeks it is every night! So I hope you are able to come up with a solution- best of luck:)
My son is almost 6 months old and we've been using BumGenius 3.0 for several months. I add two newborn inserts in with the regular insert for night diapers (he usually sleeps about 10 hours) and rarely have issues with leaking. Usually if he leaks it's because we didn't get the diaper on just right.
Leaks are frustrating. Good luck!
I had the same problem with disposables--it is so frustrating! I have the bumgenius 3.0 also, and absolutely love them. Way fewer leaks. Also the suggestion about the direction it is pointed--makes a big difference!
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