I thought it was going to be very complicated and time consuming, but after looking at this website and looking at baby food prices at the store, I think it is going to be well worth my time and much healthier for Samuel.
So, I went on Amazon and bought the Cuisinart hand mixer and the covered ice cube trays. A friend at work gave me the book. I am so excited to get started. Now I just have to wait a few months for Samuel to be ready to try it.
Tracey... I read Ashley's post about making her own baby food! I, too, plan on doing the same thing. I guess I can order the mixer and the ice cube trays early...? I can't wait to hear how it works for you!
Julie G
I LOVE this idea. Williams Sonoma actually has this new thing where you can steam the food and then whiz it up in a processor. It's one small machine and the minute I saw it, I wanted one. Then I realized that I can easily steam veggies on my stove and transfer them to my food processor. Baby food is very expensive, and when you're buying processed food, you're never really sure what's been added.
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