Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Hero Falls....Literally

If you remember this post about my brother John, you know that he's my hero.

Did I also mention he's a klutz!?! Well, on Sunday, my hero, was trying to clean out the gutters on his house and he fell off a ladder. He hit his head on the barbecue grill and had to have 5 stitches. He also bruised his kidney and broke his C1 vertebrae (the one above the tail bone). He's at home resting and he'll be ok. He just needs to rest. Thank God he was only on the first story roof and not the second. It could have been much worse. We've been giving him grief that he needs to hire someone next time. He's a technology guy, not a manual labor kind of guy.


Tina said...

Ouch...I'm really glad he's ok!

Jackie said...

Oh, no! I hope John recovers quickly!

Amy said...

Bless his heart! I will pray that he is on the mend soon.

Even heroes need their rest, amen?;)

Anonymous said...

Here's to a speedy recovery! Your SBP

Melba said...

Yikes! I'm glad he'll be OK but I imagine he's still in a lot of pain. Here's to a quick recovery!
