Sunday, September 28, 2008

Great Book...The Story of Edgar Sawtelle

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski, is about a boy, born mute, who has an amazing view on life. His family breeds, trains and sells dogs. Their family dog is Almodine, who tells his story as well. There is a lot of family and personal growth and turmoil released in this book. It's one of those books that you just have to read for yourself...

I've only read about half of it, but I LOVE it and can't put it down. Whatever you do...DON'T read the inside flap, it gives away too much of what the book is about. If you love dogs, you'll especially love this book. It's a great read! 


RB said...

I saw this book at the other day and thought it looked good. Thanks for the recommendation. Are you a reader Tracey? Have you joined Good.Reads yet? It's super fun!

Tracy's Porch said...

I love dogs! It sounds interesting - not just about the dogs but also the story itself. It is now on my list. Thanks! I love getting recommendations for books.