Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Hi, I'm a perfectionist. I struggle with isolation, intimacy and anger. I feel awful about these things, but prayer helps. Also reading and long walks.....very, very long walks.

Everyone needs a place to say what they really feel. This is mine. If you don't agree with me that is fine, but if you try to leave nasty comments I will delete them.

Ok, let's move on....

At some point, very early on, but also over many years, I picked up that I wasn't good enough as is. I decided to run inside.

I'm hoping that reading my truths will both make you less afraid of your own true self and make me less afraid of mine too.

I am easily overwhelmed.

I pray to remind myself that I am not in charge, the world will keep spinning and I am not in control.

These days I've been praying for God to help me feel peace in the midst of my mommy life, instead of feeling constantly like a dormant volcano likely to erupt at any given moment and as Glennon Melton says, "burn my entire family alive."

For a lot of years I had the wrong idea about peace. It isn't the absence of annoyances, conflict and pain. It's the ability to cope with these things, no matter the circumstances, and still find calm and stillness.

1 comment:

MK said...

Good for you, Tracey. Inward journeys are often painful ones. Yet at the same time I'm sure it feels good to speak such things out loud in this a way that feels safe. I'm glad God is in the picture for you too Tracey. He loves you as you are...but as you know...he's not going to leave you unchanged. Love you lots.