Thursday, May 10, 2012


Darcie at SUCH THE SPOT calls herself the COO of Domestic Endeavors, Inc. I love this. She just posted about all the numbers that she runs across in her busy life. I liked the idea so much...I'm stealing it.

Here are my numbers:

Household square footage per person: 483

Sum of our ages: 90

Average age: 30

Age at which my first gray hair appeared: none for me yet, but Richard had them at age 31.

Number of humans: 3

Number of pets: 4

Temperature at which our thermostat remains in winter months: 70 (day time)/65 (night time).

Temperature at which our thermostat remains in summer months: 78

Number of bags of bagels in the freezer: 4

Last month’s electric/gas bill: $130.00

Weekly grocery budget: $150.00

Number of reward points earned on credit care: 7306

Days left in the school year: 15

Pairs of shoes currently stashed in both front and back door collection baskets: 10

Loads of laundry I will do this week: 6

Today’s forecasted high: 74

Wind gusts mph: 25

Number of books I've read so far this year: 12

Number of facebook friends I have: 176

What do your numbers look like?


Such The Spot said...

Now I'm even more obsessed over that stupid gray hair I had ;) Thanks for playing along, Tracey!

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Wow. We live by numbers, don't we? I'm glad they didn't ask about weight!