Sunday, March 11, 2012


After my Dad passed away we turned the storage/sewing room into a bedroom for my mother. It looked really cute, but unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of it. My mother has now moved to New Hampshire, to live with my sister, Karen, so it was time to move it all back in.
Here is all the stuff that came out of that room. We had to store it in the garage, so my car was parked out front.
I started at about 8 a.m. moving shelves in.
You can see the pretty yellow on the walls, the nice curtain and the bed that Sam will use, when he gets a little older.
It was nice to be able to go through all the stuff I had. I ended up with 3 garbage bags of junk and Goodwill got a lot of plastic containers, from me consolidating. Here are the shelves, our signature photo from our wedding on the wall and bins of keepsakes on the floor.
Here is my craft closet.
The bed is covered and being used as a table. Under the bed I put all the framed pictures, we swap out occasionally, the legs of the table and extra toilet paper. Plus we hung all the Christmas wreaths that I made on the walls. You can see my, still to be completed, dollhouse in the corner.
There are 8 wreaths on the walls, in all. I also have to store all my teaching supplies in here. I am hoping to go back to elementary school next year and then I will take all these bins with me.
We store extra food, cookware, shampoo, soap, cleaning supplies, fans and games etc. in here.
The space is now empty.
By 1:00 p.m. my car was happily back in it's spot.

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