Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"WE" means Tracey!

It didn't take me long to realize that when my husband, Richard, says the word, "we," he is really referring to "ME."

You know what "we" should do....

"We" really should do that....

Why haven't "we" done that yet....

Next Sunday "we" can....

"We" need to....

Why don't "we" look into that....

At first it annoyed me, but then I brought it to his attention, and he knew he was nabbed. Then I started using it back on him, "We really need to mow the lawn." It is now very comical.

The most recent (...since Sam was born...) phrase has been, "When Sam is older, 'we' should get a puppy for him."

My husband is a MAJOR animal lover and the translation for this sentence is as follows:

"As soon as I can convince you and you forget how hard and involved raising a puppy can be, you, Tracey, should get a golden retriever puppy for me, Richard. Then you can do all the work (house training, brushing, cleaning up, obedience training etc...) necessary to raise the cute puppy to be his 80 pound adult self (even though you only weigh 100 pounds) and I can play with him, spoil him (not following the training rules) and enjoy the benefits of him and Sam will think I'm cool for getting him a big dog."

Sorry, but the Richard to English translations can be very long and involved.

My answer, "Richard, when you retire then you can get a golden retriever puppy and you can do all the work to raise it."

There is no translation needed for my sentence...I mean exactly what I said. And just so you don't think "we" are "petless"....we already have a dog and 3 cats.


MtnGirl said...

Poor Sam.....he'll be growing up with a puppy! :-( I had a dog and a cat (no children) and really wanted a puppy. Finally, much to my surprise, one day the other half of "we" said we could get a puppy. So I researched, found on, bought one, bonded/visited it regularly, brought him home and HE is a DADDY's dog - forget me! Yet, I potty trained him, buy his food (which his Daddy feeds quite liberally to him!), and take him outside alot! Yet, HE is "WE's" dog that I bought!

Kris said...

I understand the "we" line....

and we did the Golden puppy thing...let me just say that I have absolutely have no desire to have a puppy again (she's now 12). Now, a rescue Golden that is 2 or so, sign me up. Younger than, notta.