Every week Tina at Golden Goodness posts an 8 question MeMe. Here are this week's questions and my answers.
1. Do you prefer to write with pen or pencil? I prefer a pen unless I'm doing math and then I have to use a pencil.
2. What was off limits to you growing up that you do all the time now? Driving....I didn't get my license until I was 18. That was the house rule because Dad didn't want to have to put any of us on his insurance. My oldest brother went to the Air Force Academy and back then they didn't allow cars on campus, so he didn't bother to get one. He knew how to fly an F-111 Fighter Jet, before he could drive a car.
3. What is the age difference between you and your spouse? I am 1 year and 11 days older.
4. Did you hurt yourself in anyway this week? I constantly bang my elbows into my hip bones.
5. Do you like wallpaper enough to hang it in your home? I hate wallpaper. Too expensive, time consuming and messy. Painting is a lot more fun to do.
6. What do you need to do that you've been putting off? Clean my sewing room, wash the windows and iron....do you see a theme developing here....not a domestic diva.
7. What did you do this week that you wish you hadn't? Walked the dog outside on a cold, windy day. Now I think he has another ear infection. We have an appointment with the vet on Tuesday.
8. Did anything keep you up late this week? MY SON! I love him though!
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