Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Prayers for Families in New Hampshire

My two sisters, MaryKay and Karen, and their families have been without power for 5 days. MaryKay, her husband, 2 girls, 2 dogs and a cat were in a hotel for 4 days and are now on their way to the in-laws. They had to cut and move tree branches from their driveway just to leave. I spoke to MaryKay this morning and she said it sounded like bombs going off, as the trees crashed in the woods around them. There were power lines being weighed down by trees and transformers popping all around them.

Karen and her husband have been staying with friends. They are hoping they will be back in their homes by Christmas. Check out the news story here.

1 comment:

Mama Smurf said...

Oh my! Sending warm and safe thoughts their way.