There are now NINE days left...before my non-mommy days are over...and my life TOTALLY changes....
So, the nine things I will miss when I have a new baby....
9. Money...
8. Eating sitting down...
7. Running into a store quickly for something I forgot....
6. An uninterrupted conversation....
5. A long shower....
4. Reading a book....
3. Time by myself....
2. Time anything...crafts, housework, shop, blog...etc.
...and the #1 thing I will miss when I have a baby...
1. Sleeping!
Don't forget to go to T-10 and Counting....GIVE AWAY! You only have until Friday to make your guesses.
Although all of these things are very could also make a list a mile long of all the things that you will love.
There is nothing sweeter in the world than kissing little baby fingers and toes, and the smell of their sweet little heads.
I'm so excited for you, Tracey! You will be such a wonderful mommy!
God Bless,
So excited for you Tracey! You are right, those are all things that will eventually disappear for a while, but they won't all happen right away. You will have to say goodbye to sleep right away, but the others will come in time, and they will be gradual and you won't mind because they are given up for your sweet, sweet baby.
I would say #9 should be #1 missed followed closely by long showers. Oh, and you forgot getting out of the door quickly! That definitely doesn't happen post-baby...oh, and getting out the door without a 10lb bag of stuff + baby in carrier! (Those were the days!)
Oh...but they are SOOOOO WORTH it!!!
(BTW--Happy single digit day...that's so cute!)
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