I've done Secret Santa in the past (at work) and usually I've been disappointed. Every time I've done it, the person forgets about me.....so even though I thought I'd give this a try, I wasn't holding out much hope my Pal would remember me.
Well I've already got quite a few anonymous comments from this person and look what I just got in the mail! A rubber ducky for Sam, a candle and a sweet note. The candle, she says is so Richard and I can "embrace romance" before Sam comes. Thank you Secret Blog Pal. You've restored my faith in trying new things. Yippee! This is fun!
You are welcome! I love the little duck dispenser for "stink bags" (that's what DH calls them). It should fit perfectly on the changing table (or heck, diaper bag, unless you are like me and have it overstuffed without such an item!)
I did SBP a few times last year and it IS fun! Enjoy!
How do you do SBP? Did you go through something to match and get it started??
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