Who we are praying for this week...
* K-the birthmother of our baby
* the health of our lovely boy, Samuel, due December 18th
* Megan cousin's nephew, Cody, is missing.
* my new friend, Joseph, and his students in Ghana
* Stephanie and Christian - injured in plane crash
* Everyone to make it through Hurricane Gustav safely!
* Caylee - to be found safe and raised by a family that loves her
* Lisa - guidance for hubby & adoption plans to fall into place
* Reggie Boppy - please match us with a birthmom soon
* Bri - grandfather having quadruple bypass surgery on Monday
* Ashley - God's plan in her adoption and peace for her heart
* Annie - for a good resolution to issue with CPS
* Kathleen - please make rain stop and homes undamaged
* Becky - root canal surgery on September 4
* Dawn - husband to hear God and find his way to Him
* Mathew - his father died from cancer recently
* Trace's baby efforts
* Rick M. - his struggle with diabetes
* Christy prayers and praise
* JGumm's mom is in the hospital
* Rebel may your troubles end soon and blessings for Turtle
* David A. - serving time in prison
* James B. - finances
* Arlene B. - dealing with dementia
* Richard C. - cancer treatments
* Julie's dad had a heart attack
* Lori E. - alcoholism
* Lauren H. - caught in the middle of parents divorce
* Diana L. - serving in Afghanistan
* Eric M. - serving in Iraq
* Melba - a short wait time on their adoption
* Bert's family and friends for healing and peace after his death.
* Joshua A. - serving in Afghanistan
* Mathew B. - serving in Iraq
* our economy
* quick healing for Amy and Allie
* my mother's health and well being
* Donald H. - son and grandson
* all service men and women that they may come home soon
Prayers that have been answered:
* our birthmother has been found and baby is due Dec. 18th.
* Melba says Nan and "Sophie" are doing great!
* Becky new dental plan that covers 80% on upcoming root canal
E-mail me if you have someone for me to add to the weekly prayer request. God Bless.
Thank you, Tracey, for the continued prayer.
God Bless,
Thank you all for your continued prayer. We met with our attorney who is very optomistic that this case can be resolved shortly. We are coming up on the fourth anniversary of the oldest being in foster care, and the twins have been in their entire life. Also remember their mama in prayer, this will be a very tough time in her life. We truly feel your prayers.
Thank you Tracey! My grandfather was released from the hospital this morning and is doing very well!
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