We've had our home inspection, our personal interviews and today finished our couples interview. The adoption agency can now start showing our scrapbook to birth moms. From this point forward it is just a waiting game. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I cried when we were done because I always had some doubt that this day would ever come...but now I know that somewhere between now and 18 months, I WILL BE A MOM!!!
Yippee! Doing the happy dance! Richard and Tracey are going to be parents very, very soon!
Congratulations! I'm very excited for you. We're really looking forward to the day we are "in the adoption pool," as they say at our agency.
yay!!! what an accomplishment!!! can't wait to hear about your new little one!! could be soon....
I'm so happy for you!
I'm doing the happy dance with you!:)
Woo Hoo!:)
woo HOOOO!!!! So happy for you two...Major happy dance goinng on!!!
yay! Congrats! and the waiting begins!
For some reason I missed this when you initially posted it, but I still want you to know I am SUPER THRILLED for you!! I know exactly what you mean about that little feeling of doubt you always had, and then feeling better once you were truly active. I am just so excited for you and I can't wait to read about you becoming a mommy!!
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