I have learned that you will get only what you seek. Choose your goals carefully. Know what you like and what you do not like. Be critical about what you can do well and what you cannot do well. Choose a lifestyle that interests you and work hard to make it a success, but also have fun in what you do.
Be honest with people and help them if you can, but don't depend on anyone to make life easy or happy for you, only you can do that for yourself. Be strong and decisive, but remain sensitive. Regard your family as the basis of security, support and love. Understand who you are and what you want in life before sharing your life with someone. When you are ready, make sure that person is worthy of everything you are.
Find happiness in everything you do. Love with your entire being and with an uninhibited soul. Make a triumph of every aspect of your life. Every day has its own rewards and its own unique challenges. None of us has the same exact worries or responsibilities, because life is shaped around each of us as individuals. Expect what is reasonable, not what is perfect.
There are endless opportunities for us to change and rearrange the day to day moments we are given. It's up to each of us to decide which way we want to go. How far or how fast we go in life is determined by the choices we all must make for ourselves.
Wow..I like that
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