2. Those who don't use turn signals
3. Whiners
4. Not saying "thank you"
5. Entitlement
6. Laziness
7. Those who take advantage
8. Soft, limp handshakes
9. Parents who don't parent
10. Incompetence
11. Liers
12. Jealousy
13. Parents who bring babies to the movie theater
14. Living beyond your means and expecting others to rescue you
15. Not wearing a motorcycle helmet
16. Paris Hilton
17. Rolling eyes
18. Not supporting the people who keep you safe
19. Those who are always late
20. Overhead lights
21. Unpreparedness
22. People who mumble
23. People who can't be happy unless you're miserable
24. When "like," people, "like," use the word, "like," all the time
25. People who live here forever, but don't learn English
26. Unsupervised, misbehaving children
27. Baggy pants
28. Rudeness
29. Clutter
30. Speeders
Good list, Tracey!:)
Thanks for the welcome back...I am glad to be home.
It will take me a while to get back to blogging regularly and to catch up on my blog reading.:)
Have a great day!
God Bless,
Oh, amen and amen to #1. I think it is one of the rudest things ever invented.
Limp handshakes really creep me out. It's weird to give a good grip and get a soggy hand in return.
Overhead lights? Like in an airplane? I wasn't sure....
I also agree with #26, but that is not to say that my own is always an angel.
Love this list...gives a really good glimpse into your personality.
Tracey, can I add anyone to my blogread without them knowing? There are a few I read and would like easy access...Can I just add them or do I have to tell them, ask them???? I am not sure of blog etiquette yet. Thanks, Nicole
Oh yah, I forgot to add, I don't use my turn signal as often as I should! :) I hate baggy pants!
Great! Thanks for your blog etiquette lesson! Also that anonymous was me, not sure how that happened!
Funny, I could have written this list!!!! For a moment there, I thought I had!!! HA!
Amen to the laziness. I also hate slow people. If you can do it fast and get people through a line more quickly, why not do it?
I hate people who take their own sweet time. I don't mind living slowly when I'm just relaxing, but when I'm out running errands I don't want to stand for 20 minutes in line at the bank or the grocery store because a clerk lacks energy that day!
Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I look forward to following your story. I wish you a fast, drama free and speedy adoption!
You will be in my prayers as well! Thanks so much!!
It is so nice to find other christians in blogland!
There are some very similar things on your list that would also be on mine....limp handshakes, not using turn signals and some more. One of my most recent "bugs' is men who don't let women walk through doors first, I am finding this so often especially when I am at the airport or elevator in a hotel on a layover...maybe they think that because I am in my airline uniform I am not due that courtesy but I think it is RUDE!!!
Amen #19.
I had to break up with a friend because I just couldn't take it anymore.
The final straw was when she showed up 1.5 hours late to my house for a scheduled lunch date. WITHOUT EVEN CALLING. Can you believe that?
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