1. Pay off your credit cards.
2. Start a stop smoking plan.
3. Make some home improvements.
4. Take a class at the local college or on-line.
5. Create an emergency fund.
6. Start a retirement fund.
7. Put more toward your morgage principal.
8. Put money in an IRA.
9. Invest in a college fund for your children.
10. Donate to a charity.
11. Service your car.
12. Create memories by taking your spouse to dinner.
13. Save for Christmas instead of using your credit cards.
14. Get a health checkup.
15. Join a book club.

You reply on my blog made me laugh! Yep, I was up early..with flying standby we have to check in 4 hours before the flight...to get on the list...and since I am awake..I check blogs and waste time til we need to leave. I do need more sleep though!
We are using our rebate for Phase 2 of the adoption...not what Uncle Sam probably intended!
Oh, have fun with the money preparing for baby!!! We haven't gotten ours yet! :o( not sure what is up with that?!
You have a CRV also, I see. Do you love it or what? I have a 2007 and love it and the new "shape".
Not sure what I'll do with my $600...probably save it.
I would love to spend it on something I actually want. Alas, it will be rolled over to pay next years taxes and the tax rebate will be spent on fertility/adoption stuff.
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