Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One step closer.......PAPERWORK COMPLETE!

YIIPPEEEEEEEE! Today, we are one step closer to getting our baby! We completed the scrapbook for the birthmother over the weekend. We had a lot of fun doing it and it really shows our personality. I had my physical on Monday (TB test negative), my husband finished his autobiography and we baby proofed the house (chemicals behind child locks and all the outlet covers in). We turned in ALL our paperwork to the adoption agency today!!!!! Home study here we come!



Melba said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Doesn't it feel SO GOOD to be moving along and making progress? I am so thrilled for you and I just know your mommy days are coming soon. :) GOOD LUCK with the home study. I was super nervous when we did ours, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I had feared.



Becky said...

That is super dooper fantastic!!! I know what a great feeling that is!!!! Each step in the process is one step closer to your child!!! So true!! You never know how quickly it could all go!!!

My Blessings From Above said...

That is just wonderful! The paper trail seems to take forever! I remember when we had our first homestudy. I couldn't wait for it to be translated and sent to Korea. I was so excited when that step was complete. Your homestudy will bring you even closer to your precious baby!

Ashley said...

Yay!!! It felt GREAT to have the profile done...I'm sooo pumped for you guys!!! :)

Christy said...

YAY!! Those are huge steps to have done! Our home study really wasn't too bad, mostly an afternoon of interviews at the agency, then a home visit later. Do you know what will be involved with yours? When will you have it done? I'm so happy for you to be so much closer to your baby!!!

Scribbit said...

Well how wonderful! A big congratulations--that picture really does fit the situation!

glenna marshall said...

Whew!!! Doesn't THAT feel good to have it all done!!!

I know you will be nervous about your homestudy and it's almost useless for me to say this, but DON'T WORRY about it! They tend to be pretty laid back for most folks.

Let us know when the first meeting is scheduled!!

Mama Smurf said...

I am SO happy for you. I watched my cousin and her husband struggle for 10 years to conceive a child and cried happy tears for them when they finally decided to adopt. I know it wasn't an easy choice for them but it was meant to be as they found a birth mother and baby within 1 month of their search. They are now the proud parents of a beautiful little 3 year old.

When is your baby due?

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations. I hope the rest of the process goes swimmingly!

Unknown said...

Whoo hoo! I am dancing with you, dear. I am so happy you are one step closer. The prayers continue as you go through this journey.

LL said...

woo HOOOOOO!!! Congrats on getting the profile/letter done! Best wishes on the homestudy. Lifting you in prayer and so happy to be joining this journey with you!