Monday, March 26, 2018


On my plate: Coffee, eggs and toast

On My To-Do list for this week: 
Coffee with a girlfriend
Visiting Mom
I cleaned out the attic and sewing room last week and now I am making the sewing room more user friendly and less "catch-all."
Cat sitting
Continue purging in kids rooms and attic and collecting for yard sale

On my reading pile:
On the TV this week: Bull, Real Housewives, Blacklist

On the menu:
breakfast for dinner
ham, stuffing and corn on the cob
Tomato soup and grilled cheese

The Weather: 
We are finally starting to see a warm up. No more snow is expected and it should be in the low 50's by the end of the week.

In my craft basket: 
My sister has taught me the basic stitches for crocheting, so I am practicing a lot with that.

On my camera:

On my prayers list:
A friend we is going through a medical trial for COPD.


Rebecca Knox said...

Am joining you in prayer over friend with COPD, Tracy. Have a great week ahead and Happy Resurrection Sunday! Blessings! <3

threesidesofcrazy said...

GREAT inspiration. Have a great rest of the week.