Saturday, February 16, 2019


A reporter asked Mother Teresa how she could keep doing what she did without getting discouraged when the majority of the people she cared for were so ill that they died within a few weeks. She said, "God has not called me to be successful. God has called me to be faithful."
To love the people He gives us. To minister to them just as we find them, gently peeling away their nasty rags and washing away the grime of the tomb with the truth of God's word. Strip by strip, unwinding the lies that have shriveled their souls. Then covering their nakedness with our love and acceptance, just as Christ has covered ours. For when we do it to the least of these, Jesus says, we do it unto Him (Matthew 25:40). Because Jesus loves people. Even people who are bound and still feel half-dead.
There are also limits to what we are being called to do because if we try to do more than God has asked, we could actually end up doing harm. Some struggle is good. It's a strength building process.

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