Monday, February 25, 2019


Perhaps we live in a wintery season right now. Perhaps you feel as though everything you've cared about has been taken away and you've not found anything to take it's place. Perhaps God has called you to lay aside a lifetime of striving so you can experience abiding. But to be honest, the stillness is getting on your nerves. Perhaps He has narrowed you to a place where there is little choice but to be quiet. And listen. And wait.

Winter always seems to last longer than we think it should.

As strange as it sounds, it is the dark nights of our souls - in those deathlike, midnight places where nothing seems to be happening - that God often does His best work. Preparing our lives - so barren at the moment - for an even greater outpouring of life.
For winter always precedes spring. And in the law of harvest, death always precedes life.

Our only responsibility is to die. Jesus will take care of the rest.

All the potential, all the harvest that will one day be. The life of Christ was put within you at salvation, and He's just waiting to be fully revealed.

All the striving isn't as necessary as the abiding. If you'll trust the season......if you're willing to die so that Jesus might will happen.
Stop trying to produce fruit on your own. Choose to die and embrace the intimate entangling of His life with yours. For there is a harvest within you that's been prepared in advance by God. A purpose for your life waiting to be revealed.

---- Lazarus Awakening

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