7:00 I make coffee and turn on GMA, while I get the day going. Make the bed. Get Sam out a bowl for his cereal. He can do the rest himself. Get a cup of milk for Andrew. Put up gates and close doors in preparation of Andrew being out of his crib. Change and feed Andrew breakfast. Eat breakfast and wipe services. Fill Brita, make ice cubes, put away dishes from dishwasher. Clean up cat barf. Scoop cat litter. Start a load of laundry. Do school work with Sam. He completes a math page and a writing page and we read a book. Take dog and Andrew on a walk while Sam rides his bike. Play at the park.
9:00 (ish) Run errands or go to appointments with Sam and Andrew. Richard goes to work anywhere between 9 and 11 depending on the day.
10:00 (ish) Arrive home. Sam runs off to play with friends in cul-de-sac and Andrew and I are in the house. By this time in NM it's too hot to be outside. Switch laundry to dryer or continue the cycle that Andrew managed to turn off, without me knowing. Play with Andrew.
11:00 Put Andrew down for a nap. Make an iced coffee. Pay bills. Switch laundry to dryer. Check emails, facebook and Pinterest. Do some prep-work for school. Read or do x-stitch.
1:00 (ish) Andrew wakes and we have lunch and then get dressed in swim gear, load up the stroller and walk to the pool with Sam and (usually some) friends.
3:30 (ish) Come back from pool. Put all the pool stuff away and the wet stuff in the dryer. Pull out laundry to fold. Get a snack for Andrew and popsicles for Sam and his friends. Clean litter box, pull trash cans back in from the pick up in the morning and fold laundry while watching Hot Bench. Fold dry swim stuff from dryer. Relax and play with Andrew and Sam.
5:00 Dinner
5:30 Watch ABC Nightly News and Sam goes back out to play in cul-de-sac with friends.
6:00 Play in backyard with Andrew in sandbox, water plants.
6:45 Go for a walk with Andrew and Menlo while Sam rides his bike.
7:30 Get Andrew ready for bed. Sam gets to stay out until 8 p.m. Put Andrew to bed. Richard gets home anywhere between 6 and 8, depending on the day.
8:00 Call Sam in and get him ready for bed. He usually has a snack and watches a Disney Show.
8:30 Sam goes to bed. I have a snack, watch tv, surf the net, or read.
10:00 (ish) Go to bed
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