Monday, January 20, 2014

Wait for Peace

I will listen (with expectancy) to what God the Lord will say, for He will speak peace to His people. (PSALM 85:8)

When God speaks, He gives us deep sense of internal peace to confirm that the message we are hearing is truly from Him. Even if He speaks to chastise us, His Spirit of Truth leaves a calming sense of comfort in our souls.

When our enemy, the deceiver, speaks to us, he cannot give peace. When we try to solve things with our own reasoning, we cannot get peace because "the mind of the flesh (which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit) is death (death that comprises al the miseries arises from sin, both here and hereafter). But the mind of the Holy Spirit is life and (soul) peace (both now and forever)" (Romans 8:6).

Whenever you believe you hear God speak or make a decision bases on something you believe He has said, use the scale of peace. If peace cannot hold its weight against the guidance you have heard, then don't proceed with it. You don't have to explain to other why you don't have peace about it; you may not even know that yourself. You can simply say, "I do not have peace about this right now; therefore, it's now wise for me to go ahead with it."

Always wait until peace about doing what you think God has instructed you to do fills your soul. Peace is confirmation that you are truly hearing from God and that you timing is right to take action. Peace gives us confidence and faith, which enables us to be obedient to God's instructions.

GOD'S WORD FOR YOU TODAY: Wait for peace before you act.


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