Tuesday, August 7, 2012


When I picked Sam up at preschool today, Ms. Michelle, his teacher, told me that Sam sat by the window most of the day and cried for me. They gave him a sensory ball and they held him and that helped some, but he didn't want to participate in any of the activities, he just watched the others play.

I know this is only his second week and he only goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I want him to enjoy it and not cry all day.

On the way home we talked about it and I told him Mommy won't come to pick him up until after nap time.

He can't tell time, so I don't know how else to give him a frame of reference for how long he'll have to wait.

I thought about maybe giving him a picture of us in case he misses me, too. He never reacts this way when we leave for work and he's home with the babysitter.

I'd love to hear other suggestions you may have on how to ease his anxiety.


MtnGirl said...

His preschool might make him a picture schedule of his day including a picture of you when it's time for him to go home so he can look at it and know the upcoming events and what things happen before going home. A photo of you and Dad, laminated is a great idea for him to have with him. You could write a social story (look this up online) but you talk about how fun school is and how much fun he'll have and that you will be coming to pick him up. Is his classroom too busy/overwhelming for him? What if his babysitter drops him off? Does he separate from you easily when you take him to preschool or does he cry when you leave or at a certain point like at snack time or circle time?

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Maybe have him take in a special toy or item to share, so show the other kids. Taking something familiar with him might help.