Monday, September 26, 2011


I was so excited when I was told I get a 75 minute prep period every day and I only teach one subject.

Oh, but wait....I actually teach 1, 6th grade class and 2, 7th grade classes so I have to prep for two subjects, since they are not learning the same processes....

Oh, but of the 7th grade classes is accelerated and one is below average so they are never at the same place at the same can that be considered a third.

Oh, but wait...then I am also the adviser for yearbook. So I have to prep for that too.

Oh, but wait....two days a week it's only 30 minutes of prep because of Professional Development meetings. So I actually get three...which is still great...

Oh, but wait....I usually call at least 5 parents during that prep period....So I actually get two.

At least one of my 1/2 hour lunch breaks is sucked up by a grade level meeting.

So, is it any wonder why, I get to work around 6:15 a.m., work while I eat lunch, stay for 45 minutes after kids leave for the day and still take stuff home to finish.

It can be really discouraging when you do all this work and then don't feel support from parents.

I thought I would be working with more mature kids in middle school. I thought it would be great to focus on one subject. I didn't realize that some teachers in other subjects drop the ball and don't follow through. I don't feel as connected to the kids since I don't have them all day. We have great resources, like agendas, but when the teachers don't use them and parents don't sign them, they are rather useless. I also don't have free time or recess, to hold over the kids heads, if they don't do their work. I'm certainly learning a lot, but I'm really missing elementary school.

1 comment:

Dal 55 said...

I can relate. My mother taught middle school English for ten years, then retired. She taught the accelerated and the low classes at 7th and 9th grades; ran the drama club, the debate team, the student newspaper and organized, wrote and directed the annual fashion show. She also taught drama and speech. I think she had one 45 minute planning period which obviously was not nearly enough. My memory of her is sitting in the evening after dinner grading papers. Often the last person up in our house, even though I was a senior in high school who stayed up late. We sure miss you at MAB.