Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I love my husband, but handy he is not (sorry, dear), so twice a year we pay a GREAT GUY, Floyd, to come by and switch out our AC and do odd jobs around the house.

Today we had him fix this....

and it now looks like this....because all the windows are crappy and I can't afford to get them replaced so...we had him fix this area and caulk around all the others....and....

....put in a new one of these. There was a leak under the sink.

We were talking in the kitchen and he went to see if the paint on the window sill was dry and my black cat, Jynx.....

....was sitting on the sill.....uh oh....bad kitty....I had to clean paint off her feet (Thank God, it didn't get on the carpet.)....and he had to repaint.

I also got an estimate on a remodel on our master bath. Now I need to refinance our house...hope to be completed in a few months...and then take the equity to change out the marble vanity for something NOT marble, change the itty bitty shower to a linen closet and change the garden tub, that we NEVER use, to a tub/shower. The window that he patched today will also be taken out and something much smaller, at the top of the wall, put in.

After Floyd was done, Sam and I ran to HOME DEPOT, and returned a few things that he didn't need, bought some bulbs and a raspberry bush, came home and planted them. I love a day of getting projects done and the weather was perfect. I hope to do more yard work tomorrow.

1 comment:

stART said...

Wow! What a productive day!