Monday, August 24, 2009


My camera was found and now I can show pictures, in case anyone thought I was exaggerating in my posts about the condition of our school or why learning is on hold. Here is the evidence!

This is my classroom from last week. I wheeled everything I needed to another room. The candy is to bribe them to behave.

One of the walls down to the metal studs.

Dry wall torn off to dry out the inside of the walls.

Exposed wires hanging from the ceiling.

Huge fans being used while the air conditioning is off.

Ceiling tiles gone while they find the leaks and fix them. The lights are off because there was standing water in the light fixtures too.

Here is the mold I talked about.

And once again, the leak is back in my room and running down the wall.


1 comment:

Kris said...

Oh boy! Definitely NOT a good way to start the school year! Is your principal not good at advocating for funding to get it repaired accurately?