First, you may need to refer back to this key to help you...
Pronunciation Key:
short A...as in "pass"
short U...as in "bus"
short I...as in "it"
long A...as in "date"
short A...as in "cat"
Ok, we have a fourth grade teacher who had twin girls in her room....
Girl #1....pronounces her name P-short A-J-short U-M-short U-S ("PAJ-U-MUS").....but spells it P-A-J-A-M-A-S....That's right pajamas, as in what a little girl wears to bed at night!
Girl #2....pronounces her name SH-short I-TH-long A-short A-D ("SH-ITH-A-ADD")....but spells it....GET READY FOR IT....S-H-I-T-H-E-A-D....Yes, I-kid-you-not....SHITHEAD!
You are kidding right?
Hugs, Jill
I'm thinking I would make a CPS report the first day the little one was in my class. Talk about emotional abuse!
I would say you are kidding but I know better. We had a local woman try to sue the hospital for naming her baby "boy" without her consent as in "Baby Boy Jones" Crazy.
Poor girls.
Sometimes I wonder about parents. Kind of like the family who recently named their baby Adolph Hitler and can't for the life of them figure out what the problem is. I think the other kids have equally as "good" names. They just don't think about the future of the child...seriously, people.
Those poor kids are going to need major therapy when they get older.
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