Monday, September 15, 2008


Peace is much less a condition than a state of mind. Anxiety and tension can rule the day even when the circumstances of my life would indicate that all should be well with me.

I can walk in sunshine and see only the shadows. I can be surrounded by those I love and be consumed with fear of losing them. I can accomplish a great task and still wonder why I did not do better...

Peace, in the ultimate meaning of the word, is not the absence of conflict. It is not the accumulation of wealth, or comfort and ease, or a state of happiness. Peace is that sense down deep inside that says no matter what happens, all is well with my soul.

--Verdell Davis

1 comment:

Happy said...

"Anxiety and tension can rule the day even when the circumstances of my life would indicate that all should be well with me." YES! YES! YES!

I KNOW that if we're not successful with fertility stuff we'll easily move to adoption so no matter what I'll become a mom but I can't sem to get rid of the pit in my stomach. It's when not if for me..