Samuel is now 1 lb. 2 oz. and he's very active.
ps...thanks to those who showed me three ways to upload to blogger: One True Media, YouTube and blogger itself. The first two were very easy. I tried blogger first, but it was "processing" for 45 minutes and still nothing happened.
That's funny!:) When he is three years old, that video will make him giggle.:)
so cute!!!
Yay you figured it out! That's so incredible isn't it? Precious!
It will be fun to see if he is still a toe-sucker when he is born! I have heard of thumb-suckers, but never toe-suckers! LOL!
What a wonderful blessing you have coming to you! And our wonderful world of technology makes it even more special!
What a precious video! I know you will hold it near and dear to your heart forever.
That's amazing!
It's wonderful that you are in on this from the beginning.......before he gets here! I didn't have that with either one but, wouldn't change our path either!
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