A BIG thanks for all the prayers and warm wishes for my "baby," Keene (on right). We got her home this morning and no one's licking the area operated on, so we haven't had to use the big cone yet. Menlo and Keene are relaxing on the couch right now.
The larger tumor was down to the muscle and took 16 sutures to close. The smaller one took 7 sutures. The area looks really nasty. She had one on each butt cheek, so sitting is a little difficult. They didn't give me any pain medicine, but said to give her 200 mg of Motrine, twice a day. We have to go back in two weeks to have the stitches removed.
Doctor Abernathy (He's a wonderful vet.) said that this area will be more susceptible to tumors, so we'll have to watch her closely from now on. He doesn't think they are cancerous as she eats fine, doesn't limp and plays like normal. We've been lucky up to this point that they haven't had more tumors, as Boxers are prone to them.
When they brought her out to me, she was wiggling like crazy. I was so happy to see her that I started crying again. I've had her since she was six weeks old. She's always been close to me and has been such a comfort when I need a hug. She knows my moods so well. I hate to see her in pain. It's so good to have her home.

When they brought her out to me, she was wiggling like crazy. I was so happy to see her that I started crying again. I've had her since she was six weeks old. She's always been close to me and has been such a comfort when I need a hug. She knows my moods so well. I hate to see her in pain. It's so good to have her home.
Oh goody, I'm breathing sighs of relief right along with you. Glad to hear there was no cancer and all is well now. :) My sister has two boxers so I know exactly what the wiggle looks like, very cute!
I'm thankful your baby is home! Shannon is bringing Allie home after work; unfortunately, her heart is too weak for them to operate on her.
Needless to say, I'm heartbroken. Like you, Allie has been with us since she was 6 weeks old, and we all just love her so much.
I know God is in control, but it hurts all the same.
I have been crying off and on all day. I have been trying to focus on the joy Allie brings us and how blessed we are to have her as a part of our family.
I will just be so glad when she gets here, so that I can lay with her and love her.
God Bless,
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