Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blogs of Note

Check out these great blogs:

1. On AMY'S BLOG she has an embarrassing story about her husband and her son.

2. MELBA has great news!!

3. BRI has an interesting post about her new puppy. Help her out with some puppy training tips.

4. QUEEN B'S mom, QUEEN MOTHER has a $100 Target gift card give away.

5. I wanted to link to Darcie's blog at and Scribbit at, but for some reason when I tried to make the link it didn't work. So just cut and paste their address and go visit them. Scribbit has a great give away and Darcie has a post about songs that stick in your brain and a give away too.


LL said...

Thanks for the links...had not seen Melba's news yet...and bri's puppy is just stinkin' adorable!

Melba said...

THANKS, TRACEY...both for the shout out, and for the awesome give-aways! I'm still thinking about your "baby" and wishing him well.


Scribbit said...

Well thank you so much, working link or not :) I appreciate the mention!