Saturday, May 17, 2008


I get a lot done on Saturdays because my husband has to work. Today I went grocery shopping and then came home and did some planting. It's a beautiful day outside!

First an update. The morning doves in my peach tree have three eggs. Mama was finally off her nest and I ran in to get my camera and when I came back out she was on it again. So I settled for another picture of her. She is a very good mama!

This is the lilac bush I planted. We have this nice corner of our yard that would be great for a sand box, but the (don't get me started) "lovely" neighbors have two giant sheep dogs that jump on the fence and they would scare a child to death. So we have decided NOT to put a sand box here. We live across the street from a park with a play area, basketball court and pool, so that will have to do. I had morning glories planted here that trailed along the fence, but two years ago when this neighbor moved in, she told me to control my "weeds", snipped all the plants that were on her "side" of the fence (I'll have to take a picture of her nice "rock and dog poop" yard one day.) and all the plants fell. Ok, enough of's a beautiful day remember.

This is the planter box on the other side of the yard. I have two tomato plants on one side and flowers on the other.

I have a very small yard, but I love it. It's like a secret garden all for me. It was landscaped when we bought the house, but I've done a lot of work on it, too. The dark patches in the grass are where the grass died and I put grass seed and manure down to try and bring it back. I don't know why and no my dogs don't pee on it. They have their own fenced area on the side of the house. There is a large cottonwood tree in the corner. This picture is facing east. The neighbor on this side is great! The neighbors in back are twelve feet below my propety, so I have a great view facing north.

We found out that when the contractor originally built this house it was suppose to be ten feet closer to the street and because of zoning we can't put on a covered patio, so we have to make due with the umbrella. The other smaller trees are mostly ornamental fruit, but one is a peach tree. Yum! Yum! This picture is facing west. We have an electric lawn mower, but it only takes my husband about 15 minutes to mow it.

I think I'll get an iced tea, my paperwork and a good book and take them outside. I hope you enjoy your Saturday too.


Happy said...

It looks great! Very relaxing.

LL said...

It sounds as though you had a gorgeous Saturday! I wish I had any sort of a green thumb.