Friday, May 30, 2008

LOST....until next season.....

What an amazing season finale!!! They have created a whole new set of questions for me!

Why is Kate telling sleeping Arron she's sorry....what is she sorry for? What did Sawyer tell her in the helicopter before he jumped? When she sees Jack at the airport, who is she referring to when she says she has to get back to someone and they are waiting? Will Claire ever see her son again? She in the cabin isn't she?

Where is Sayid taking Hurley? What "safe place?"

Where did John Locke come up with Jeremy Benthem? Is he really dead?

Is Hurley really seeing Charlie? How is Jack going to get him back to the island?

Will Jack and Ben team up now?

Is Micheal really dead? Will he ever see his son again?

What does Sun want to talk to Mr. Whitmore about? Is Jin really dead?

Will Juliet and Sawyer get together now? How many of the survivors of flight 815 are left on the island?

How will Desmond hide from Mr. Whitmore?


Where is Daniel?
Where is the dog?
Was Charlotte born on the island?
Where is Walt?
Except for messy hair, these people look amazing for being on an island with no soap, shampoo, toothpaste etc...
Besides her father, who else does Sun blame for Jin's death?
What the hell is a "time traveling bunny?"



Abbreviated said...

Rose turning into the peanut police was too funny.

Nicole - Life in Progress said...

But, all the questions are what make it so great right??

Anonymous said...

I think Kate was talking about getting back to Aaron when she was at the airport.

My husband made a comment about them looking good being on the island during the Penny / Desmond kiss. He said, I wonder if his breath stinks from being on that island for so many years. But, alas, that is what the Dharma toothpaste was for.

LL said...

Great finale...although I am still a bit confused. I am looking forward to the next season to get more of my questions answered.

Connie said...

February 2009? That is almost as much time as it takes to cook a baby!

I can't wait that long?

I love/hate this show!