This was actually the nicest non-mother's day I've had in about 10 or 15 years. I am actually full of hope this year that this will be my last without children. With the way things are progressing with all the paperwork, I actually feel like I am accomplishing something and moving forward. We spent the day in the sun, washing cars, seeing my mother and working on the scrapbook for the birthmother. The waiting, right now, is ok because I figure I would have to wait 9 months if I were pregant, anyway. Things are definately looking up...thank God!
WOW! Congratulations on the soon arrival of your baby. I always love hearing these stories. That's fabulous! I'll have to do some more reading to find out if there are more details of your story!
Ok...I've been reading your blog and enjoying every minute of it.
Your posts on May 3rd and 4th made me cry!
I'm a FlyLady lover too! If only I could be more consistent in following her schedule my basement wouldn't look the way it did!
I love your God perspective on life, Tracey. It's such a blessing.
God Bless,
Oh Tracey, that is great news. Hopefully this time next year you'll be just another sleep-deprived mom. And I mean that in the best way possible of course!
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