The blogs I enjoy reading and why, in one sentence (thanks to the comma), but in no particular order.....
Storm because she loves to play TAG, has great ideas, is not intimidated by a blank piece of paper and makes me smile.
LL because she shares my same feelings about infertility, adoption and makes me feel like I am not alone.
Brie because she is very creative (love the pumpkin center pieces), knows how to feed a heifer and is an excellent writer.
Becky because she has locked herself out of her house, had "big" hair once too and gives me hope for the success of my upcoming open adoption.
Amy because I love her humor (she hates doesn't like frogs), has a husband as sweat as mine...well almost and gives me a new perspective on how God touches my life, when I didn't even know it.
Melba because she is where I am in the adoption process and knows how hard it is to write a "Dear Birthmother" letter, she has great advice and she has a great attitude.
Ashley because she knows how it feels for someone to say "I have a friend that started the adoption process and got pregnant!" and that this statement is not comforting and she loves Boxers like I do (I have two, too.)
Christy because she adopted once and has felt led by God to do it AGAIN.
Darcie because she has a quirky sense of humor, has great hints (thanks for the toilet bowl ring removal idea.), sees the beauty in a blooming desert and the titles on her posts make you curious and want to read more.
Monica because she has great Family Night game ideas, makes great looking cookies, holiday decorations and hair ribbons, is close to God and gives me hope that I can be too, but the only problem is she won't adopt me.
Thanks to all of you for sharing your stories and making me feel normal.
I am so thankful that we found each other's blog...As you know I am always up early and I am always happy to see a new post from you. It is really nice to know that we are not alone in this journey. Now...I am off to check some of these other blessed and wonderful ladies you have mentioned. Best wishes and God bless!
Thank you, Tracey! And I just want to say....like Becky and you, I also had BIG hair throughout the eighties..:)
I enjoy reading your blog for all of the same reasons....God is doing amazing things in your life and it is a blessing to read about them in your blog.:) And it is great fun getting to know you as well.
God Bless,
Awwww...thanks, darlin! I love reading your blog too!! :) (and YAY for boxers!)
I'm one of LL's friends, & found your blog through her comments...just popping over to say hi & share your journey with you! :)
Such a sweet post, Tracey...thank you! And I too am a member of the big hair in the 80's club! My best friend and I were the two with the tallest hair in our entire senior class...yes they actually measured! :) I love reading your blog too, and I've also found lots of other wonderful blogs through comments here so I'm thankful for the connections!
Your Friend,
Aw, thanks Tracey.
Now, to return the favor...I like reading your blog because I think your posts are fresh and creative and your story is both inspiring and interesting.
Thank you Tracey! I hope you have a great day today! :)
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