Thursday, July 17, 2008


"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

God, You know my impatience. Your concept of time is so very different from my own. I have difficulty with my own slowness to change and it's hard for me to accept the imperfections of life. All this blinds me to Your presence. I need to be able to see myself and others as You do. My ego stands in the way, my God. I ask for the strength to be free from my own narrow vision, that I might see with Yours. May I find a way to eliminate the blocks that keep me from accepting life as it is, and keep me from finding You where you are to be found.

No other on Earth can do what You alone are called to do or give to the world what You alone were sent to give through your gifts. The call may be so faint that I can barely make out the message, but if I listen I will hear it. I want to live this day as if it will be my last. I want to forget yesterday's defeats and ignore the problems of tomorrow. I want to make it the best day of my year. Then if God gives me another day, I want to make it even better, for this is a gift from God. I need to remember that I pass this way only once.


1 comment:

Amy said...

All I can say is, "Amen!"