Monday, April 22, 2019


It's nice to see I haven't scared you away!

The next few posts will focus on specific things that contribute A LOT of clutter in our lives: BOOKS, LINEN CLOSETS, FOOD and TOYS!

Take a breath!
It will be ok!

You can do this!

Here we go.....


This is usually an area where people hoard and I can't blame you.



I have some very special ones that I have kept since I was a child, but I realized with limited space, I couldn't rationalize keeping them all. Plus, to save money, I am going to the library much more often.

Here are a few ideas for sorting.

First, take ALL the books off the shelves and put them in categories.

As you touch each book to put it back on the shelf, really think about it's value in your life.

Start with your favorites. They are ones that are a constant in your life. Although I read an occasional nonfiction book, I have always been drawn to fiction more, especially religious fiction and historical fiction.

Next, look at the pile of paperbacks. These may be ones you picked up in an airport to read on the plane. You may have no idea what some of them are about. Are they really that important if you can't remember them? Donate them.

Now, remember 10 years ago when you bought that book on growing crystals and you tried your hand at dying your own wool.  Are these themes really a part of your life anymore? I just recently got rid of a bunch of books on teaching and classroom management. I retired three years ago. Now I have a shelf devoted to parenting. As your life changes the themes you find important will too.
Finally, I have to say something about children's books. Everyone has special books they read to their kids that they want to keep as a special memory. The first one that comes to my mind is, I Love You Stinky Face by Lisa Mccourt.
Both my boys LOVED this book. I still have it and always will. I also kept all my older son's books for my younger son. With how expensive books are that only makes sense. However, as the younger one grows up I will steadily reduce those, keeping only the best.

Go through yours one at a time, just like you did with the adult books. I bet, you can come up with at least a few that your local child care center would love to have.

Now don't forget magazines, encyclopedias, books in other cabinets, cookbooks and crafting books. You have to look through them ALL! Do you really need 143 cookbooks? If it's just for one recipe,  copy it down and donate the book. If the books are stored in your attic, basement, garage or storage unit (Don't get me started on storage units. That I'll save for another post.) are they really that important?
That's all for now. Spend this week decluttering your books and loving on your favorites.

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