Monday, March 25, 2019

PURGING.....Day 25

I've been doing this now for 25 days. It's getting hard to find things. I actually purged a lot when I moved back to NH three years ago and then again last summer when I had a yard sale, so I'm a little surprised that I've found this much to get rid of. I'd like to clean out my attic too, but it's super cold up there still. I've found that books, craft supplies, kitchen stuff, toys and clothes are the areas where I hoard the most.

If you'd like to do this yourself, here is the plan. For an entire month you get rid of the amount of items that match the date. March 1st, 1 item; 2nd, 2 items; and so on, until by the 31st you get rid of 31 items in one day, bringing your month's purged items to 496 total. 496!!! WOW!

Here's how I'm doing do far....
Day 21....teaching books.
Day 22....scarves, books and other miscellaneous items.
Day 23....Yes....more books.
Day 24....Halloween costumes, old sheets, more books.
Day 25...Fake flowers, a few pieces of jewelry that I never wear, mini ice cube trays, more books, a coat with a broken zipper and other miscellaneous stuff.

My total so far....325 items! WOW!

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