Sunday, March 31, 2019


I'VE FINISHED MY PURGING CHALLENGE!!!!! I didn't think I was going to be able to do it.

If you'd like to do this yourself, here is the plan. For an entire month you get rid of the amount of items that match the date. March 1st, 1 item; 2nd, 2 items; and so on, until by the 31st you get rid of 31 items in one day, bringing your month's purged items to 496 total. 496!!! WOW!

Here's what I got rid of during the last 5 days!

Day 26....Books, toys, coats that don't fit and such.
Day 27....It amazes me that I continue to find all these miscellaneous items to discard.
Day 28.....I'm now going through art supplies and found this giant box of stuff that I was saving, but haven't used in forever. It's over 28 things, but I'm counting this box for today.
Day 29.....Kids collect so many little thingamajigs!
Day 30....More kitchen widgets, expired lotions and makeup and a few bags.
Day 31....One more trip around the house!
I DID IT! 496 items! WOW!

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