Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How to get more done in less time...

Everyone is searching for more time in their schedules, thinking that being more productive makes us better some how. We should be trying to find that extra time so that we can have more enjoyment in our life. I may not have any children yet, but I do know that what they will want from me is my time and attention, not a spotless house.

These are my ways of saving myself time:

1. Plan ahead: I always plan out the night before what I have to do the next day. First I write all the "have to do's." Prioritize what you have to do to keep the house pets alive and the electricity from being shut off. I also add in errands that I can get done on my way home from work (this also helps save on gas).

2. Learn to say, "NO." This is a big one. I learned a long time ago that most of the work is done by only a few of the people and it's always the same people. If you are doing ten different projects, but you don't have time to do them "well" then what's the point.

3. Divide and Conquer: My husband and I both hold down full time jobs, so I feel the home is both our responsibilities. I am the more organized one so I tend to do more of the detailed work and he does...ok let's be honest...he does what I ask him to do. I have an ongoing "honey do" list that Richard refers to often (mow lawn, put out trash, paint fence etc.). I also have a chore list of stuff that has to be done on a daily basis. Richard works odd hours and a lot of the time doesn't go in until 10 or 11 AM, so he will start the laundry, clean one bathroom or change the bed before he goes in and then I'll pick up where he left off.

4. I don't know if this works everywhere, but if I put a check for $42.00 in my mailbox and ask for a role of stamps. The post man leaves them (and a receipt) for me after a day or two. This way I very rarely have to endure the lines at the post office.

5. While cleaning, I try to make as few trips around the house as possible. I clean the bathroom (I keep a bottle of cleaner and papertowels under each sink in my house.) before I leave in the morning and on my way out the bedroom door I grab the laundry (I'd make the bed too, but Richard is still sleeping in it.). I then start the laundry and clean the second bath that is next to laundry room. I click on lights and raise curtains as I go. I can usually be found with five things in my hands that have to be dropped off in 5 different locations. Anyway...you get the idea.

6. Don't let clutter accumulate...if you take it out, put it back (a place for everything and everything in it's place), if it's trash toss it, if it doesn't fit give it to Good Will, if you haven't used it in six months (to a year), sell it at a yard sale and if you can't park your car in your garage.....it's time for a major purge. I see a lot of people in my neighborhood with boxes stacked to the ceiling in their garages. You can't tell me they need or even know what is in that very bottom box. Your car will thank you for it.

7. I do a little bit every day instead of trying to do it all at once. You won't be embarassed the next time someone pops in for a visit and you won't waist an entire Saturday cleaning.

8. Identify what your major distractions are: tv, phone, computer games etc... and start by cutting back on it just a 1/2 hour a day. You'd be amazed what you can get done in 30 minutes. I don't allow myself my distraction until all the "must do's" are done.

9. Check out FLY LADY. I want to be more like her when I grow up.

10. Eat well....this improves your health and gives you energy during the day.

11. Multitask...jobs that don't require your full attention can be bunched together: fold the laundry while watching your favorite show, or cut coupons while on the phone or make dinner and listen to your child read or work on spelling words.

12. Perfection isn't possible. This was and is a hard one for me to stick to.

13. Get a good nights sleep and always leave time for a little exercise. You'll be amazed at the amount of energy you'll have.

14. I set out my clothes and pack our lunches the night before.

15. I plan meals ahead and grocery shop only once a week or less.

16. I have planted things that don't need as much watering or maintenance.

17. Leave 10 minutes early for work...you never know what you might run into (traffic jam, need gas, flat tire etc.) that will delay you and if nothing does you'll get 10 more minutes of things done at work.

18. This is one that my husband does....he gets caught up in what he'd doing (totally focused) and looses track of time easily, so he sets the clock ahead by 10 or 15 minutes to make up for it...he's also been known to set a timer so the noise disrupts his concentration and he realises that he has to move along.

19. I write everything down...I don't try to keep of my schedules in my head. I'd eventually forget something and it causes a lot of stress to have so much on my mind. I keep a large calendar in the kitchen for joint obligations and reminders and I have a small one always on me that I write my own responsibilities and meetings in.

20. I don't put off things I know are going to take me a long time to complete. I start right away and do a little bit at a time. That way I'm not stressed and having to rush and potentially do a poor job because I've run out of time.

1 comment:

Mama Smurf said...

Those are some great tips! Thanks for sharing.

PS...in response to your comment on my blog....Rosey is a DOG! LOL!